Imagine This:

An area of your home is frustrating you with clutter and constant mess. So you set aside time to finally tackle the chaos. You take everything out of the space, evaluate each item and give away those you no longer use. You purchase containers. You spend hours making the space look great and breathe a sigh of relief. You are sure THIS time the organization will last.


Life gets busy and a few weeks pass. You forget what you had in mind when you organized the area, and the next thing you know your blood pressure rises again every time you look at that space. You hang your head in defeat and wonder why you can’t ever stay organized. You resign yourself to living with disorder and daily aggravation for the rest of your life.

But, Wait! It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way.

A couple of home organizing principles that are important to keep in mind include:
  1. Sometimes a new system just needs a little tweaking to take it from failure to fantastic ~ maybe adding LABELS?
  2. All systems need to be adjusted as life and circumstances change. Your new organizational plan might just need a minor adjustment ~ LABELING can be key.
Before you head down the road of completely redoing your work, consider labeling containers and shelves ~ either briefly or permanently. If you had been living in disarray with things stored in random places throughout your home, and now have items stored together, it’s certain to take awhile to remember how and where you consolidated various categories of things. You need to give yourself time to learn your new system. Learning and remembering is so much easier with labels.
One of my clients has a long, narrow walk-in clothing closet. To get the most efficient use of the hanging rods and shelving, we completely rearranged everything. To maintain this new organization she must remember what we were thinking that led to the current arrangement. On a tired, rushed morning or in the midst of putting away several loads of laundry, that can be a lot to expect from a brain! So we put labels right on the rods identifying the category of each section. After a few months she realized she had this new system down pat and removed the labels.

Making the Most of Labels

Most of your home storage is hidden behind closets, cabinet doors and inside drawers ~ places few guests will ever see your labels.  You can buy a label maker from an office supply store; if you’re crafty you can create beautiful and artsy labels; or you can simply write the information on scrap paper and attach it with scotch tape!
The point is to help your organizing efforts be successful in the long-term. Labels can play a significant part in that journey. If you’re ready to talk about the next step in your organizing journey, schedule your FREE “Hope Starts Here” Discovery Phone Call.
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