Organize Your Bedroom to Launch You Into Your Day

Morning comes, you open your eyes and look around your bedroom. Do you feel energized or do you want to hide under the covers?

Often bedrooms are the dumping ground/hiding place for clutter when company is on the way, or when a partner insists we get it out of the living room.

Problem: Your brain registers clutter as a job to be completed. So, even if you think a messy room doesn’t bother you, at a subconscious level your brain and body react to it with stress. This:

  • Robs you of energy
  • Depletes your self-confidence
  • Steals your ability to focus

But, organize your bedroom, and you’ll wake to a space that boosts your mood and productivity for the entire day.

Sleep Better in an Organized Bedroom

At the end of the day you fall in bed eager for rest and rejuvenation. When you bedroom is free of clutter you are able to relax the way your body needs. Organization is a form of self-care! 

3 Steps to Organize Your Bedroom

  1. Start With the Easy Stuff. Get all the clothes in the hamper (if dirty) or put away (if clean); put your shoes in the closet. If the dresser/closet is overflowing, do the best you can and plan to tackle those areas soon with the tips in this article. Then, stand in the middle of the room and do a visual sweep of the space. Look for anything that can be quickly and easily put in its proper place. More importantly, what can immediately be thrown away or added to a donation bag?
  2. Work Clockwise Around the Room. Pick a starting point, then move through the room methodically. Use a laundry basket to collect items that belong in another part of your house. This saves time & energy spent running all over to put them away as you find them (thereby also increasing the odds of getting distracted.) In addition, have a trash can for garbage and bags to collect give away things as you sort piles.
  3. Imagine what a peaceful bedroom looks like to you. What do you actually WANT in your bedroom? Ask yourself, “Will this item make me feel happy and energized when I see it in the morning?” “Is this something that will help me relax and sleep well at night?” Only items that get a “YES!” answer to one of these questions earns the right to stay in your bedroom.

We often think of the kitchen as the room where we spend the most time each day. Yet we spend about 1/3 of our time in the bedroom. It’s time to stop neglecting this important area of your home!

Even if you are the only person who sees your bedroom YOU deserve it to be a place of comfort and peace. Show yourself some love by taking time to organize your bedroom this weekend.

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