From Useful Items to Clutter

Bats & Balls. Cleats & Shin Guards. Scooters, Coolers & Who-Even-Knows-What.

When you have kids in the home your garage quickly becomes a catch-all spot that rarely gets loving attention. Then one day those kids are grown and all that old gear turns into clutter.

One day Elaine* drove into her garage after work and said, Enough! Her oldest was in college and her youngest not far behind; she had recently finalized a divorce. She told me, “Every time I come home and pull into the garage, I feel my blood pressure rise and my irritation level go through the roof. There is so much in this garage I never use anymore. I want to reclaim this space as mine!”

Can you feel the heaviness and the sense of overwhelm Elaine faced? That’s why she called me!

Garage Cleanout 101

One beautiful spring day the garage doors went up and vehicles were backed out to the end of the driveway. Elaine and I got to work:

  1. Armed with lots of trash bags and a recycling bin, we started right outside the door from the house and worked our way clockwise around the space.
  2. Spots were designated on the driveway for give-away items according to charitable organization ~ Blessings Abound, Habitat ReStore, etc.
  3. The space in the middle of the garage was used to separate items Elaine wanted to keep according to function ~ Automotive, Gardening, etc.
  4. When we had looked at literally every single thing and all the “keep-or-go” decisions were made, we swept the garage floor and determined where/how to organize the items Elaine kept.

Contain It

Elaine got rid of so much that the containers she had on hand worked great for organizing the space. But if you need to purchase some organizing tools for your garage, here are links to some of my favorites:

Hard Work, But SO Worth It

Elaine’s give-away items filled a mini-van and mid-sized SUV. A special large-item pick-up was scheduled with her trash service for a couple of big and broken things. I won’t lie ~ the work was hard and dirty, and we were sore at the end of the day.

But just look at how that garage shines now!

“As soon as I push the button on my garage door opener in my car, I begin to feel a sense of calm wash over my body. My home is my sanctuary from the crazy world and now the garage is my first “step” into that peaceful space.” ~ Elaine, Leawood KS.


*Name changed to preserve client confidentiality.
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