Can home organization sometimes feel hard and overwhelming?


Will you be able to do it anyway?


How do I know this?

Because if you are old enough to read these words you have already done some hard things in life.

My mother used to say, “Into each life a little rain must fall.” We all have ups and downs; we can use the lessons and resiliency gained in past times of trouble to strengthen us and boost our resolve to push through future challenges.

I’ve got a great article about how to overcome the “Where do I start?” dilemma around home organization. But first, follow these three steps to boost your odds of successfully completing your home organization projects:

STEP 1: Make a List of 10 Accomplishments.

Most triumphs in our lives take some hard work ~ what challenges have you made it through?

  • Physical (you ran a marathon)
  • Mental (you earned an advanced degree)
  • Emotional (disappointment, grief, heartache)

Some difficulties are big ~ overcoming a learning disability, and some are small ~ a broken arm in a cast for 6 weeks. The point is to recognize hard things you’ve already overcome and use these experiences to give yourself confidence that you can beat clutter too.

Home organization cannot possibly be harder than some of the other obstacles you’ve successfully navigated.

STEP 2: Answer This Question…“WHY?”

  • Why do you want your home to be more organized?
  • How will your life be better when the clutter is gone?
  • What will you be able to do then that you cannot do now?

On the enevitable days when you are tired or discouraged, knowing your “Why” will motivate you to continue sifting through the clutter, to keep making the decisions about what to give away.

Post your “Why” on your bathroom mirror, kitchen cabinet door, or dashboard of your car to remind you to keep moving even when the work gets HARD.

STEP 3: Give Yourself Grace, Patience and Rewards.

When you faced sadness or grief in the past did you practice radical self-care? Surely, you gave your body time to rest and recuperate while training for a physical goal. How great did that diploma feel in your hands at graduation?

Treat your home organization projects with the same attitude you employed for other challenges. It may take a fair amount of time to get it organized, but that’s okay. Even if your progress is slow, any changes you make are still progress ~ one step closer to the pay-off in your “Why.” Be a cheerleader for yourself and give yourself some version of the gold stars teachers put on their students’ spelling tests.



Would you like a little help and a friend to guide you along the way? Book your FREE Hope Starts Here Discovery Call with me now!



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