Backsliding is definitely NOT inevitable in the process of creating an organized home, but it’s not uncommon either.

Often it takes us by surprise, but occasionally we can see it coming and take steps to mitigate the effects.

I have a client who has been working diligently to create new habits to keep her work area uncluttered, aided by the organizational systems and tools we’ve put in place.

She is deeply involved in political action, so you can imagine her life can get pretty crazy in an election season! At our last session we brainstormed ways to keep her on track during the next few weeks:

  • She decided against spending time and energy to tackle additional work on her paper organization goals for the next several weeks. Attempting to do so in the midst of extra demands on her would only set her up for failure and discouragement. It’s okay to put your home organization plans on hold briefly.


  • We established a plan for managing documents and notes related to the political work that will be consuming her for the next few months.


  • When life gets busy it’s hard to remember the new habits we are working to establish and easy to fall back into old ways of doing things (backslide.) We added some labels to desktop organizers to remind her of the paper-flow systems we recently put in place. This will prevent paper piles accumulating while her attention is elsewhere.


When you know something big is coming into your life ~ a surgery, welcoming a new grandchild, a new volunteer or work commitment ~ you’ll do yourself a favor if you approach the situation realistically.

No one can “do it all.” Set yourself up to avoid backsliding so you can focus your attention on the impending important event/activity.

When life returns to a normal routine you will be able to easily regain your momentum toward creating the home of your dreams.

(If you’ve already suffered some backsliding in your organizing efforts, be sure to read Part 2 of This Series to find out how to get back on track!)

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