Our “stuff” tells the stories of our lives. When we move into a new life stage, our home needs to be adapted so it will support our new interests and activities. Decluttering items from previous chapters of your story and creating an organized home with things that fit the new one will prepare you to move forward with confidence and joy.



A child’s room begins with a crib and baby toys, transitions to a big-kid bed and chapter books, and eventually the train/princess decorations are replaced with posters of rock stars. Kids’ environments change as their interests evolve through natural growth and development.

These shifts don’t stop once we turn 18, but sometimes as adults we forget to adjust our environment as we move from one life phase to another. Our lives are not static ~ marriage/divorce, new careers, relocation, death of a loved one, a new baby, children growing up and leaving home ~ changes happen. Some transitions are by choice and joyful, others are sad and difficult (a few even bring a mixture of feelings.)

Honestly, I have never been a big fan of change! But I have learned that my attitude can help or hinder me when I find myself in a new place. We can choose to look at our new situation as an opportunity to re-invent ourselves, to grow and learn about ourselves, to be daring and try new things. When you find yourself in the midst of a life transition, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who am I now?
  2. What matters most to me at this point in my life?
  3. Have any of my values changed as a result of this life transition?
  4. How do I want to spend my time, energy and money as I move forward?


Keeping everything from previous chapters of our story ~ things that don’t fit who we are now ~ makes us feel suffocated, constricted, stressed and exhausted. Evaluate everything you own, room by room:

  1. Does this item still make me happy?
  2. Will this be useful to me now?
  3. Is this old baggage that will hold me back from building the new life of my dreams?

Answering these seven questions thoughtfully and honestly will put you on the path to an organized home, full of things you truly love and really need.


Decluttering things from past phases of your life will open more than your physical space. You will find room in your mind and your heart to consider all kinds of new possibilities. You will feel lighter, freer, energized. You’ll have a sense of pride in your home and confidence in yourself. You will be excited for your future, knowing you are ready and competent to meet it head-on.

One of my clients, a recent empty-nester, said it best as we sorted/purged and organized her craft room, “I am intentionally saying ‘No’ to some of these old craft projects so that I have space to say ‘Yes’ to whatever new inspirations come my way.”

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