Clear Digital Clutter and

Kiss Digital Chaos Goodbye!

Clear Digital Clutter to Create More Peace in Your Digital World

A 2-part workshop to calm virtual chaos and get your digital life under control

Woman in front of computer with head in hands


Technology is supposed to make our lives easier.

But without the right organization systems in place, our digital world can quickly spin out of control, causing frustration, stress and overwhelm ~ affecting  our ability to get even the simplest tasks done quickly and efficiently.

“I get so much junk email it’s hard to find the real emails I actually want.”

“Managing my email is a chore, so I avoid it.”

“Naming my documents gets so confusing; I get frustrated trying to find what I need.”

What is Digital Clutter?

  • An overflowing inbox bursting with unopened emails.
  • Hundreds of files cluttering a computer desktop.
  • Duplicate files and scattered documents.
  • Multiple open tabs and files.
        Infographic on effects of digital clutter

        Clear Digital Clutter to Create More Peace in Your Digital World

        Reclaim control over your digital space!

        In this motivational 2-part “learn & do” online class, you’ll receive personalized support from me in an interactive small group setting.

        You’ll learn:

        • Tips to quickly cut through an overflowing email inbox (Session 1).
        • Smart strategies to minimize the onslaught of information coming at you each day (Sessions 1 & 2).
        • Practical and efficient filing systems that help you quickly and easily find important information when you need it (Session 2).
        • Effective strategies to maintain your new, more efficient digital world moving forward. (Sessions 1 & 2).

        In each session, you’ll be given time to put what you learn into action.

        PLUS, you’ll have access to 3 FREE BONUS co-working sessions following each class to continue

        implementing your new healthy digital organization habits!


        Choose one session for $117 ~ or for optimum results,

        Enroll in the complete 2-part series for only $197!

        Session 1: Clear Your Inbox Clutter

        Sat., June 8

        9:30 am – 12:30 pm

        Location: Zoom

        Stressed woman looking at computer


        Email is supposed to make our communication more convenient.

        But what do you do when you it’s turned into a nightmare that stresses you out every time you open it?

        Read now, read later? Save or delete? Where should I file it? What if I can’t find it if I need it later?

        During this energizing co-working session, you’ll learn:

        • My favorite time-saving secrets for managing email fatigue, indecision and overwhelm.
        • Genius insider tips to ensure you can easily find important emails when you need them.
        • Smart strategies to reduce email clutter ~ and get less junk mail!

        To avoid the temptation of procrastination, you’ll also have time to implement what you learn right away by taking advantage of the collective energy of the group. Plus, I’ll be there to answer questions as you dive in.

        The best part? You’ll walk away with a cleaner, more manageable inbox!

        The email workshop was the motivation I needed to get on top of my overflowing inbox! I really appreciated the tips, the group discussion, and the hands on time to implement what we were learning ~ I deleted over 1500 emails!” ~ J. D. 

        Register for the complete 2-part Digital Peace Package and get 15% off!

        Session 2: Create Digital Document Bliss

        Sat., July 13

        9:30 am – 12:30 pm

        Location: Zoom

        Woman at computer looking happy


        Scattered documents and duplicate folders affect our ability to focus and get anything done.

        If you’re ready to end the time-sucking drama this brings to your life ~ and make your computer a storage place of ease ~ this motivational, co-working session is for you.

        You’ll learn how to:

        • Name your files so they make sense to you.
        • Create a practical filing system that gives you peace of mind and ensures you’ll easily find important documents when you need them.
        • Become a digital organizing ninja with the skills to efficiently maintain your online filing system moving forward.

        To help you make progress without the temptation to procrastine, I’ve built in a dedicated container of time to declutter your documents, start your filing system, and answer your questions as you dive in.

        Ready to create more peace, calm and freedom in your digital universe?

        I’ve been putting off organizing my documents on my computer for ages because it’s so overwhelming and it was a total mess! I’ve wasted so much time searching for documents. Joanie shared some great tools and tips that made this task much more manageable. I’m already much more organized. What a relief!! ~ E. H.

        And don’t forget, you also receive 3 FREE BONUS invites to attend group co-working sessions following each class you sign up for!

        “The follow-up work sessions were a game-changer to my success. They helped me implement all of Joanie’s great tips and inspired me to stay on top of my digital life on a more regular basis. Now I don’t get overwhelmed with too many emails or confusing document names!”  ~ R. S.


        Do I really need to set aside an entire morning for these workshops?

        It’s one thing to learn organization skills, but I know from working with my clients over the years, the true magic happens when you take time to put those skills into action.

        By creating a container of time and space to take action and get your digital chaos under control ~ boosted by the energy of the group ~ you won’t be tempted to procrastinate. Instead, you’ll walk away feeling lighter, more energized and with a thrilling sense of accomplishment.

        Believe it or not, the time will fly. You’ll receive helpful information peppered with humor and group interaction, short breaks, and plenty of time for you to work independently.

        It’s so much more fun than trying to tackle this stuff on your own ~ and let’s be honest, you haven’t been motivated to do it on your own, have you?

        What if I don't get everything organized in the time allotted?

        It’s true ~ you probably won’t get your entire digital world in order in one morning.

        That’s why I’ve created the special BONUS co-working sessions ~ with LIFE-LONG ACCESS!

        This means when I offer these classes in the future, you will always have the opportunity to jump back in for dedicated co-working sessions to declutter and minimize digital distractions that can creep in over time.

        Will this course help with software issues, updates or other tech troubles?

        As a professional organizer (and not an IT expert), The Digital Peace workshop provides high-level, practical tips and resources to sort, purge and organize your digital space. Please refer specific IT issues to your favorite IT and/or cybersecurity expert.

        Can I do one workshop and not the other?

        Yes! While it’s ideal to take both sessions to experience optimal success (which is why I offer a discount when you take both), you do have the option to choose the session that makes the most sense to you right now.

        What is the discount if I sign up for both sessions?

        Participants who enroll for the complete 2-session Digital Peace course receive 15% off. The cost for one session is $117; or take both for only $197.

        Do I get the bonus co-working sessions if I only sign up for one session?

        Yes! Each session includes invitations to the three free co-working sessions following the class you take.

        Still have questions? Contact Me!

         Let’s Get Started!

        Saturdays, June 8 & July 13

        Full Digital Peace Package ~ Includes Both Clear Inbox Clutter & Transform Your Digital Mess

        Or Choose One:

        Cancellation Policy: Cancellations are a bummer, yet, sometimes unavoidable. Registrations canceled at least 48 hours before the workshop will receive a refund, less processing fees. Because class size is limited, registrations canceled 48 hours or less prior to the workshop are non-refundable. Please double-check your calendar before registering.   Thank you!

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